Have you ever wondered which are the secrets of successful people to always excel in what they’re doing?
I’m sure you’ll immediately think that they own some sort of mystic talent in their bloodstream.
However, I can tell you for real that about 90% of them do not: to gain success you must become a hard worker.
Maybe someone starts with some advantage but, little by little, anyone can head to anything they dream of if they work hard.

In my everyday life, I always do my best as much as I can: now, I’m going to reveal a few simple steps which derive from my personal experience. Then you can gradually stick to them with the result of completely change your way of living.

  • Where should I start?
  • You’d better keep going!
  • It’s time to light it up
  • The purpose behind motivational quotes
  • Is it hard to keep your motivation high?
  • What about real life?
  • Checking your progresses
  • Where should I start?

    First of all, it’s important to set the goals you want to achieve. Write them down.
    Know also the time span you need to put in practice the words you’ve written down on your notebook. It can last two weeks, a day, a month or even one or more years.
    Remember that you must always keep your target in your mind: put a reminder where it is easily visible.

    You can use a picture on your phone and then put it as your home wallpaper, you can hang on your bedroom walls a painting, a poster or even a post-it which reminds you about it.
    Doing something like this may sound ridiculous, however it is essential because you mustn’t forget to make your progress regularly, progressively, without working on it just before the deadline.

    This makes you feel less stressed out and helps you achieve the best results, which otherwise would disappear almost immediately.
    One method of being able to do it, is providing yourself with a plan in order to follow your own rhythm, without overdoing too many things.
    Be aware of your limits, only after having recognized them you will be able to try to start the main challenge.

    You’d better keep going!

    In most of the cases the key for giving your best in your gains, is, without a shadow of doubt, trying to be consistent. I love how this word sounds: consistency. It means change your life habits, not for a single day of your trip, but until it becomes natural in your daily routine.

    “Consistency” means that you keep on pursuing your journey, no matter what. It means that you steadily stick to your plans, even if you can’t see any results yet. It means never giving up in front of each obstacle you find on your way to reach your goal. Resiliency, patience and determination. These emotions will fulfill your actions with passion, love and dedication.

    It’s time to light it up

    As you can imagine, it might be very struggling in the early stage. So, as to cheer you up, during your journey, your consistency shall cooperate hard with motivation. I ensure you that together these two components will delete from your vocabulary once and for all the idea of “giving up on your dreams”.

    Motivation is another of those words that mean a lot. To me, motivation reveals itself in the form of a burning flame inside my core. Due to its empowerment, the exciting feeling of being motivated makes you believe you can face any problem which appears in your way.

    The purpose behind motivational quotes

    Let’s start by what inspires me the most: motivational quotes. Thanks to a dear friend of mine, I found out that inspiring quotes stimulate to give your best each time you read them. You must try it out: some quotes like:

    Is it hard to keep your motivation high?

    These are just a few examples of what we’re looking for.
    Where to find them? As I told you: they are everywhere. You can come across motivational quotes for instance in songs of all genres; while in films and tv series you might be inspired by a particular character’s story (generally sporty ones); in a famous person’s speech of his experience in becoming popular beginning from a trivial type of life; web pages on Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter.

    Then I recommend you learn a couple of your favorite ones, in order to repeat them in your mind when you feel very close to give up: this will effectively enhance you with the energy to suddenly get back on the right path. It stokes the burning flame of the motivational fire inside you. Remember the consistency, keep in mind the dream you are chasing, think about how you’re going to feel better in the end.

    What about real life?

    In addition to this, I’m going to share a bunch of other ways to get motivated which I discovered, like identifying a person who might become your reference point.

    He or she could be an olympic athlete if you want to improve for example your gymnastic skills or a fitness blogger particularly active on his or her social networks if you prefer someone more reachable; it may even be a friend that shares your same passions and goals so that you push each other not to give up and chase after your targets and work harder even if one of the two gets a bit tired.

    Moreover, he or she can also be a person whom you want to demonstrate that they were wrong about your personality.

    Discovering other experiences

    Besides that, on the Internet you can find a whole community of people that are trying to head to all kind of different dreams.
    Personal advices, pictures, videos, diaries, which describe how they have gained the success they were chasing at last, are available without much effort: the results of their journeys are evidences that are shared everyday, and this leads you to believe in what you’re doing by comparing your performances with those of the others.

    Checking your progresses

    Finally, the last tip I want to give you guys is to track your progress gradually along the time.
    This keeps your motivation high too, because you see for real the steps you have overcome and makes you understand it has not been a waste of time; It shows yourself that something is actually improving although you haven’t noticed it on your own until checking.
    You can report your results on a personal organizer, on your mobile phone’s notes or even by shooting some pictures or by recording a video. I guarantee you it is really helpful.

    It’s yourn turn now!

    To sum all up: «A dream written down becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality». So now try it out, is your turn to start to shine.”

    By Chiara Riili


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